ZozaniDB is by far the easiest way to use databases in Matlab. You can use a database without knowing or having to construct SQL statements. ZozaniDB also creates all tables and columns on the fly!


Code Example

>> d=zdb('temp.sqlite' ,'hot',true,'dbg',true);
>> d.table('fruit').insert(struct('name','apple' ,'calories',53));

--- NOTICE: created table "fruit"
INSERT INTO "fruit"("name","calories") VALUES ('apple',53)

>> e=d.fruit.findby(struct('name','apple'))

SELECT * FROM "fruit" WHERE name='apple' 
e = 
  id: 1
  name: apple
  calories: 53

>> e.name='honeycrisp apple';
>> e.calories=55;
>> e.save

UPDATE "fruit" SET "name"='honeycrisp apple',"calories"=55 WHERE id=1

